SHISA NKUKHU is as diverse as the vast continent of Africa itself. Combining excellent grades of fresh chicken, the freshest ingredients and the friendliest service and the best dining experience possible, we offer you the best at SHISA NKUKHU.

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Franchise Cost

You immediately become part of a going concern where you start your business step by step with the support, expertise and know-how of Shisa Nkukhu management team. You will be equipped with marketing and sales support and administrative procedures to ensure maximum results

Franchise Cost

What the Investors can expect.

Assistance with the start-up programme and identification of needs.| Advertising material templates.| Assistance with the joining & procuring from specific suppliers


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This is Hot Franchise opportunity for those interested, please click to download the attached LOI to see your eligibility to become Franchisee

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This is Hot Franchise opportunity for those interested,Contact today for more information.